Chair no 1 – Completion
After finishing the main woodworking and assembling the chair in the last post, the final details to complete were applying a coat of oil and… 続きを読む »Chair no 1 – Completion
After finishing the main woodworking and assembling the chair in the last post, the final details to complete were applying a coat of oil and… 続きを読む »Chair no 1 – Completion
After the work on the legs and stretchers in the previous post, I moved on to working on the arms and back rest. The first… 続きを読む »Chair no. 1 – Fabrication Part 2
With the design for chair no. 1 more or less decided, I forged ahead with fabrication. One of the first choices I needed to make… 続きを読む »Chair no. 1 – Fabrication Part 1
I’ve been doing woodworking now more or less since 2003 when I went to lutherie school. Since that time I’ve had the opportunity to work… 続きを読む »Chair no. 1 – Design
At long last here is the final post on the Low Cherry Tansu. After completing the door in the last post, the remaining items to… 続きを読む »Low Cherry Tansu – Finale
With the main cabinet more or less complete I moved on to making the single ken-don 倹飩 door for this cabinet. In a previous post… 続きを読む »Low Cherry Tansu – Ken-don 倹飩 Door
With the hidden mitered dovetails complete, the areas I focused on next were the vertical partition that separates the door and drawer spaces, as well… 続きを読む »Low Cherry Tansu – Case Assembly
When it came time to deciding what kind of joinery to use for the low cherry tansu my main concern was to keep the cabinet’s… 続きを読む »Low Cherry Tansu – Hidden Dovetail Joinery
In the last post about tabi-dansu, I mentioned that I was in the process of designing and building a small cabinet inspired by tabi-dansu. In… 続きを読む »Low Cherry Tansu – Design
The first year that my wife and I moved to Japan, we started a habit of going to the Tokyo city flea market every weekend.… 続きを読む »Tabi-dansu 旅箪笥