
Kumiko Jigs for Sale

kumiko jigs detail

Kumiko Jigs for Sale

After a recent request, I’m now offering kumiko jigs for sale.  These are the jigs I use for kumiko work and are designed to be used with a chisel rather than a plane.  Right now I have available 22.5, 45, and 67.5 degree angle jigs, which are used for the asa-no-ha pattern among many others.  I plan to offer other angles in the near future.

The jigs are available individually or as a set for a discount.

Please visit my web shop for more details and to purchase them.



kumiko jigs with brass thumb screws and adjustable stops

「Kumiko Jigs for Sale」への2件のフィードバック

    1. Hi Barry,
      Unfortunately at the moment I’m not producing any more kumiko jigs. If I start selling them again I will be sure to make an announcement here on my site.


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