A couple weeks ago I had a conversation with Yann Giguere of Mokuchi, which was recorded and just came out on the Mokuchi Studio Podcast. I talked with Yann about my background in woodworking beginning with guitar building, my path into carving and art, and eventually how I came to be interested in Japanese woodworking and tools. This was my first interview of any kind (that I can recall), and definitely my first podcast. Yann was a generous host and it was fun to talk with him. I ended up talking a lot about my background in art, which I didn’t necessarily intend, but after the interview it made me realize how much that period of my life has really shaped how I work today.
In any case below is a link to the podcast. All the interviews he’s done are worth a listen especially for those who have become hooked on Japanese woodworking.
… and as a bonus, since I talk so much about my past work in the interview, I thought it might be a good time to share some images from my pre-Japanese woodworking past… art and guitars. enjoy!