Toshi-Nuki Shelves – Build 3
Well here we are in the final stages of this build. At this point the only tasks remaining were to cut wedges, mill and cut… 続きを読む »Toshi-Nuki Shelves – Build 3
Well here we are in the final stages of this build. At this point the only tasks remaining were to cut wedges, mill and cut… 続きを読む »Toshi-Nuki Shelves – Build 3
Following from the last post on building the Toshi-Nuki Shelves, which was mainly about cutting mortises, we continue on with… more mortises. Or in this… 続きを読む »Toshi-Nuki Shelves – Build 2
It’s time to start building some knockdown shelving. A few weeks have passes since the last post where I talked about different joinery options for… 続きを読む »Toshi-nuki Shelves – Build 1
A couple weeks ago I finished up a set of shoji screens for a customer in the US. I had planned to use sugi (Japanese… 続きを読む »Making Shoji – Western Red Cedar
One of the furniture designs that I’ve been working on recently is this shelving system that I designed to be easily assembled/disassembled via traditional joinery.… 続きを読む »Collapsible Shelving Joinery Considerations
The past couple of weeks during a bit of down time, I have been experimenting with these textured trays for serving tea, snacks, etc. The… 続きを読む »Absorbed in the Design Process – Hatsuri Trays
After finishing the main woodworking and assembling the chair in the last post, the final details to complete were applying a coat of oil and… 続きを読む »Chair no 1 – Completion
After the work on the legs and stretchers in the previous post, I moved on to working on the arms and back rest. The first… 続きを読む »Chair no. 1 – Fabrication Part 2
With the design for chair no. 1 more or less decided, I forged ahead with fabrication. One of the first choices I needed to make… 続きを読む »Chair no. 1 – Fabrication Part 1
I’ve been doing woodworking now more or less since 2003 when I went to lutherie school. Since that time I’ve had the opportunity to work… 続きを読む »Chair no. 1 – Design