Low Cherry Tansu – Case Assembly
With the hidden mitered dovetails complete, the areas I focused on next were the vertical partition that separates the door and drawer spaces, as well… 続きを読む »Low Cherry Tansu – Case Assembly
With the hidden mitered dovetails complete, the areas I focused on next were the vertical partition that separates the door and drawer spaces, as well… 続きを読む »Low Cherry Tansu – Case Assembly
When it came time to deciding what kind of joinery to use for the low cherry tansu my main concern was to keep the cabinet’s… 続きを読む »Low Cherry Tansu – Hidden Dovetail Joinery
In the last post about tabi-dansu, I mentioned that I was in the process of designing and building a small cabinet inspired by tabi-dansu. In… 続きを読む »Low Cherry Tansu – Design
The first year that my wife and I moved to Japan, we started a habit of going to the Tokyo city flea market every weekend.… 続きを読む »Tabi-dansu 旅箪笥
A while back I received a box full of old Japanese handsaws from a friend. They were in various states, with some coated with rust,… 続きを読む »Making Handles for Japanese Handsaws
Tansu are traditional Japanese cabinets. They come in a huge range of shapes, sizes and styles, and many evolved from a need for mobile storage.… 続きを読む »Cherry Tansu with Twisted Dovetails
We made it to the finish folks, this is the last post for the White Oak Shoji Cabinet project. Thanks for following along. With the… 続きを読む »White Oak Shoji Cabinet – Finale
With the dovetail joinery wrapped up and the case assembled, I started to work on the 8 doors. After milling the door frame stock to… 続きを読む »White Oak Shoji Cabinet – Doors
Once the design for this furniture project was decided, I ordered up a massive pile of nara (Japanese white oak) and started making parts. The… 続きを読む »White Oak Shoji Cabinet – Dovetail Joinery
This past summer I had a custom furniture project for a client overseas. The commissioned project was a custom white oak cabinet with shoji screen… 続きを読む »White Oak Shoji Cabinet – Design