4 Leg Stool – Fabrication 2
Continuing on with the 4-leg stool build… With the joinery cut, I moved on to chamfering and finish planing. All the parts got 3 mm… 続きを読む »4 Leg Stool – Fabrication 2
Continuing on with the 4-leg stool build… With the joinery cut, I moved on to chamfering and finish planing. All the parts got 3 mm… 続きを読む »4 Leg Stool – Fabrication 2
Fabrication for the 4-leg stool started like most projects with some bandsawing and milling. The individual parts for each stool are pretty basic, just legs… 続きを読む »4 Leg Stool – Fabrication
In last week’s post I shared a bunch of different designs for a 4-leg stool, with the plan being to design a stool that would… 続きを読む »The trouble with Splayed Legs
A few months back I started working on a design for a 4-leg stool. Coming up with a design that I was excited about was… 続きを読む »4-Leg Stool – Design
This week I thought I’d mention an artist who I’ve been following for the past couple of years, and I’ve been consistently impressed and inspired… 続きを読む »Inspiration – Toru Fukuda
Last weekend I went to the 39th annual Kezurou-kai event in Itoigawa, Niigata. It was my first time going to the event here in Japan,… 続きを読む »Kezurou-kai #39
A while back I shared a post on some unique woodworking machines that are typically only available here in Japan. Japan has a fair share… 続きを読む »Japanese Sharpening Machines
Over the past few months I’ve been spending quite a bit of time on the lathe experimenting and making a pretty large variety of plates,… 続きを読む »Warping Dry Bowls
When it comes to actually setting a chipbreaker and adjusting it relative to the main blade, the typical method is to sight down into the… 続きを読む »Kanna Workshop – Setting the Chipbreaker
The other day I went to see some work by a woodturner, Matsumoto Katsuya, who makes really beautiful functional tableware like plates, bowls, etc. I’ve… 続きを読む »Inspiration – Matsumoto Katsuya Woodturning